2022-2028年•美国•联合国总部•《世界之光》颁奖•世界文化艺术节暨全球云游研修大赛通知类别:站内公告 时间:2021-12-22 浏览次数:10865
2022-2028年•美国•联合国总部•《世界之光》颁奖•世界文化艺术节暨全球云游研修大赛通知 2022-2028United Nations Headquarters, U.S. “Lightin the World” Award Announcementof the World Cultural Arts Festival & the “Cloud Roaming” Global ItinerantResearch Competition
一、【缘起与宗旨】 世界传统文化科学院(IIRTSC)是美国联邦政府特准的世界公益组织,捐款抵税号为95-4516299。 1992年9月9日,张元明先生在联合国总部讲学开创名家论坛、世界文旅艺术大健康全球行,现任美国世界传统文化科学院(IIRTSC)院长、联合国总部名家论坛(UNMC)主席、纽约州立大学(SUNY)-布法罗州立大学(BUFFALOSTATE)中国学中心国际交流办公室主任及特约中华国学教授、世界文旅大健康联盟主席。 1.Origins & Mission TheInternational Institute for Traditional Science & Culture (IIRTSC) is anon-profit organization approved by the U.S. Federal government (Tax-exempt#:95-4516299). OnSeptember 9th, 1992, Mr. Yuanming Zhang gave a lecture that founded theMaster’s Colloquium at the United Nations Headquarters and initiated the WorldCultural Travel Arts and Macrobiotic Health movement. Mr. Zhang is thepresident of the American-based International Institute for Traditional Science& Culture (IIRTSC), chairman of the United Nations Headquarters Master’sColloquium, director of the Chinese Studies Center at International ExchangeOffice at the State University of New York (SUNY), adjunct professor of ChineseStudies at Buffalo State University, and chairman of theWorld MacrobioticHealth Alliance for Cultural Travel.
2018年4月29日,张元明主席在联合国总部宣布:为了更好地传承、研究、提升世界各地传统文化与现代科技融合,促进全人类和平与进步,正式推出,2018-2028年•美国•联合国总部•《世界之光》颁奖圣典•世界文化艺术节暨全球云游研修大赛。 OnApril 29th, 2018, Chairman Yuanming Zhang announced at United NationsHeadquarters: “In order to better transmit, research, and elevate theintegration of traditional cultures and contemporary sciences throughout theworld, and to advance the cause of peace and progress among humanity, weofficially announce the “Light in the World” award ceremony at United Nations Headquarters,U.S., the World Cultural Arts Festival the “Cloud Roaming” Global ItinerantResearch Competition for 2018 through 2028.
2013年11月12日,张元明前往全世界最大的投资银行Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利总部,运用天然夜明珠神器和心灵易经密法创立全球同修大愛投资论坛总能量炁场,他的祈福转运正能量直接利益了Morgan Stanley 的股值大增,助其主导马云的阿里巴巴公司于2014年9月在美国上市大获成功。 OnNovember 12th, 2013, Mr. Yuanming Zhang approached the world’s largestinvestment bank, Morgan Stanley, using the numinous vessel of natural moonpearls and esoteric soul transformation techniques from the Book of Changes (YiJing) to found a global day of charity and an investment colloquium andrepository for goodwill and positive energy. His blessing translated into realpower and effect, directly benefiting Morgan Stanley as stock prices soared andhelped Alibaba founder Jack Ma achieve great success entering the U.S. marketin September 2014.
1997年,张元明独资购得好莱坞东北的啊吽圣山创立全球大中华文化万福圣山,创意万亩道峰山太古寺生态文旅养生园区,每年亲临华尔街、联合国总部、哈佛大学等世界各地主持率领来自190多个联合国成员国会员同修祈福,福化人心家天下,转化世界更美好。 2011年张元明创意的白庚延单幅作品市场价值破亿元人民币,实为中华复兴先行典范。 In1997, Yuanming Zhang purchased Ahom sacred mountain northeast of Hollywood inTechachapi. In doing so, he established a sacred mountain of myriad blessingsfor a broader Chinese culture throughout the globe. He envisioned a network often thousand sacred sites of healing, hope, and happiness – mountains andmonasteries, temples and travel spots, ancient altars, sacred shrines, andgardens of grace. Every year he makes a personal pilgrimage to Wall Street, theUnited Nations Headquarters, and Harvard University, to beseech likemindedindividuals and the delegates from the over 190 constituents of the UnitedNations to join in blessing the hearts of the human family, and transformingthe world into a more beautiful place. In2011, Yuanming Zhang set a precedent for China’s Renaissance with theindividual works of Bai Gengyan, which reached a market value of over onemillion RMB.
2018年4月30日,鉴于中国国家画报《人民画报》英文版《CHINA PICTORIAL 》2005年第8期大量引用著名汉学家、美国空军学院亚洲部主任David G. Boyd教授中文名张家仁先生亲自翻译由中国人民美术出版社2004年出版的《白庚𨒂中国山水画联合国总部展出作品集》中前言、后记、哲学思想之成果,作为中国国家形象刊物给190多个国家元首和人民带来的美好感化,以及David在传承、保护、研究、传播大中华民族和美国原住民印弟安人文化所作出的杰出贡献,David教授成为在联合国总部颁发的《世界之光》大奖的唯一得主。 Inconsideration of his outstanding contributions in service to the promotion,preservation, research, and dissemination of Chinese and Native Americancultures, United States Air Force Academy Asian Studies Group Chair andrenowned Sinologist Professor David C. Boyd was honored as the only recipientof the inaugural “Light in the World” Outstanding Achievement Award at UnitedNations Headquarters on April 30th, 2018. His several translations andpublications, Prof. David Boyd include the preface, postscript, andphilosophical treatise in The Collection of Bai Gengyan Chinese LandscapePaintings on Exhibit at United Nations Headquarters, published by People’sArtistic Press of China in 2004, which was cited extensively inChinaPictorial2005.8 and which introduced the artwork Bai Gengyan to heads of stateand people from over 190 countries with his moving and ascetic translations,making the latter a Chinese national icon and media sensation. He recentlycontributed 80 entries (34,750 words) on early and medieval China to theprestigiousRoutledge Encyclopedia of Chinese History, published by RoutledgePress in London. 二.【特色内容】 II.Specialized Content 1、召开世界文旅艺术大健康产业年会及相关学术论坛,进行主题演讲,开展科研学术交流研讨,举行全球云游研修大赛。中秋期间在美国举行超万人年会。夏天张元明主席亲率世界名家领袖团队在亚洲、欧美洲等地举行全球云游研修祈福会和颁奖典礼。 1.Convening the annual meeting of the World Cultural Travel, Arts, &Macrobiotic Health Industry and its corresponding scholarly colloquia, keynotepresentations, and initial discussions on scientific research and scholarlyexchange, the hosting of the “Cloud Roaming” Global Itinerant ResearchCompetition, and attendance at the 10,000+ participant annual doTERRA Conventionin America in the fall.
2、接受世界文旅艺术大健康产业包括全球各地文旅、音乐、舞蹈、禅修、瑜伽、武术、服饰、传统医药学、养生学、易经与风水学、关公忠义与财神文化、宗教学相关交叉学科的历史源流、人物典故、理论流派、基础研究、临床试验等各类型论文、书画、摄影作品投稿,用美国国会图书馆书号出版可以SCI或者EI检索的中英文对照的论文、作品集和《传统文化杰出人士手稿墨宝文物大观》。常年组织世界文旅名家艺术团全球巡演、研修,举办名家演武会,签发《英雄贴》。 举行下列主题论坛:易经风水现代应用论坛、关公忠义与财神论坛、禅武道医养大健康论坛
2.Acceptance of articles on world cultural travel, arts, and the macrobiotichealth industry, including cultural travel, music, dance, zen, yoga, martialarts, dress & attire, and studies on traditional medicine, wellness andnourishing life, Yi-Jing & Feng Shui, Lord Guan the wealth deity, andreligion. Also welcome are treatises on the historical origins and developmentsof related and intersecting scientific inquiries, literary biographies,theoretical schools, foundational research, and clinical trials. Lastly,original works of art and artifact, photography and painting, and culturalcreations are welcome submissions for inclusion and publication in a conferencevolume with SCI or EI database entry and an ISBN number (U.S. Library ofCongress). Discussionson the following subjects: Modern practical application of Yi-Jing and FengShui, Wealth Deity Lord Guan, Zen, martial arts, Daoist cultivation, andmacrobiotic health.
3、每年4月在联合国总部和纽约州立大学举行《世界之光》颁奖圣典及年会。特邀多个国家驻联合国代表团大使代表出席世界文旅大健康联盟及全球品牌文化战略工程《世界之光》颁奖宴会大典,大典首选的出版物和礼品赠送190多个联合国成员国大使及总统。 3. InApril of each year, the annual meeting is and award ceremony is held at UnitedNations Headquarters and the State University of New York. An invitation toUnited Nations ambassadors and delegates of each country to attend the openingbanquet and award ceremony of the World Macrobiotic Health Alliance forCultural Travel and the strategic film project “Light of the World,” a globalcultural trademark, and the bestowal of the initial publication and ceremonialgifts to the U.N. president, and the ambassadors and delegates of more than 190constituent countries.
4、由美国联邦政府世界公益组和州政府重点支持的美国乐天齋全球投资集团主创的全球万个文旅医养圣地国际合作项目洽谈专场及医院、社区推广中心洽谈会。 4.Exclusive discussions and consultations on the Zhai Outdoors collaborativeinternational partnership project. Zhai Outdoors is a U.S. Federal governmentworld non-profit organization and State government priority investmentopportunity. Zhai Outdoors is an American investment team leading the way inthe creation of “ten thousand cultural travel sites for healing and wellness.”Discussions and consultations on hospitals, Chinatown developments, andcommunity centers will also be held.
5、常年举办世界非遗文化传承人、区域领袖、博士后研修专项,培养世界文化艺术流派国际领军人物,协助申请人依法办理杰出人才第一优先美国移民绿卡。在联合国总部、哈佛大学、好莱坞等名胜写生、实景生态养生体验、学术研修。 5.Conducting perennial advancement of world intangible culture successors,regional leadership, special topics post-doctoral research, the development ofinternational leaders in world cultural arts lineages, and assisting theapplication of outstanding individuals for EB-1 First Preference Immigrationpetitions in accordance with the law. Academic research presentations, lifenourishing field retreat practicum, and sketchwork to be held at United NationsHeadquarters, Harvard University, and famous sites in Hollywood.
6、全球太极禅瑜伽、健康好歌舞同修祈福会,摄制《华服天使》长卷。在联合国总部、美国首都国会山庄、总统府白宫、络杉矶好莱坞、哈佛大学、美国空军学院、台湾国父纪念馆、自由广场等名胜拍摄明人汉服、唐装、𣄃袍、世界各族传统礼服,出版发行华服书画长卷、微电影。 6.Holding a joint convocation of Tai Chi, Zen, Yoga, and … song and dancepractice to promote blessings throughout the world. The cinematic production of“Adorned Angels,” featuring celebrities in Han dress, Tang attire, traditionalQipao gowns, and traditional clothing from ethnic groups throughout the world,to be filmed on location at renowned sites such as United Nations Headquarters,U.S. Capitol Hill, the Presidential White House, Los Angeles, Hollywood,Harvard University, the United States Air Force Academy, the Founding FatherMemorial Hall in Taiwan, and Freedom Square, and the publication anddistribution of an associated book, artwork, and video blogs and webinars.
7、2020年9月10-27日,在美国空军学院、世界第一大瀑布圣地、Niagara大学和全世界顶级的Karpeles手稿博物馆举办美中两国友好合作文化艺术展及主题论坛、文艺歌舞联欢会,举行在美国出版的中英文对照的《民族脊梁英雄贵族》专著首发式。主要征集二战抗日将士,美国空军飞虎队、国共两党英杰,19-20世纪英雄豪杰及子孙、贵族精神传承人相关照片、文物、典故。欢迎相关人士投搞、申请参会。 7. FromSeptember 10th-27th 2020, events promoting friendly collaboration between Chinaand the United States will be held at the United States Air Force Academy,Niagara Falls, Niagara University, and Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum.These events include cultural arts exhibits and keynote presentations, culturaland performing arts ensembles, and hosting the exclusive and initial release of“Backbone of the Nations: Heroes and Noble Spirits,” a bilingual Chinese andEnglish volume published in the United States. This work brings togetherphotographs, relics, and anecdotes of the lives of soldiers who fought in theSino-Japanese War, including American AVG Flying Tigers squadrons, heroes fromboth parties of China, 19th and 20th century champions and their descendants,and the “spirit” of nobility and legacy. We welcome article and artifactsubmissions and applications for participation.
8、弘扬孝道,善行天下。任命各地宗亲会联谊领袖、在联合国总部举行宗亲联谊会、孝道论坛、全球宗长颁奖圣典、整理、收藏出版《家谱》、《族谱》。鼓励宗长扶持有传统文化、道德潜力的青年成才,免试直升美国公立大学本科。 8.Promotion and discussion of the way of filial piety and good conduct underheaven. A designated clan, lineage, chieftain, and ethnic leadership meeting tofoster amicable relations will be held at an Awards Global Elders Service(AGES) ceremony at United Nations Headquarters to organize, collect, andpublish family and ethnic genealogies. We encourage and support Elders inpromoting talented youth with potential committed to traditional culture,character, and virtue in matriculating directly into American undergraduateuniversities without standardized testing.
9、欢迎台湾、日本、尼泊尔、印度、澳大利亚、德国等世界各地人士和组织申请设立区域主题会场,全球联线直播实况。 9. Weare currently welcoming individuals and organizations from countries includingTaiwan, Japan, Nepal, India, Australia, and Germany to apply for regional venuestatus for this global simulcast event.
三.【主办单位】 III.Hosts UnitedNations Masters Colloquium ANonprofit Corporation 美国联邦政府世界公益组织---联合国总部名家论坛 WorldMacrohealth Alliance for Cultural Travel 世界文旅大健康联盟
四.【承办单位】 IV.Sponsors InternationalInstitute for the Research of Traditional Science and Culture, Inc. ANonprofit Corporation 美国联邦政府世界公益组织---世界传统文化科学院
五.【协办单位】 V.Co-Organizers BuffaloState University of New York 纽约州立大学布法罗大学 NiagaraUniversity Niagara大学 KarpelesManuscript Library Museum 全世界顶级的Karpeles手稿博物馆 UnitedStates Air Force Academy 美国空军学院 ChengduUniversity of TCM 成都中医药大学 世界文化遗产联盟 World Cultural Relic Alliance 、 世界汉文化联盟World Han Chinese Culture Federation、 丝绸之路文化交流基金会Silk Road Cultural Exchange Fund、 世界华人组织联盟Federation of World Chinese Organizations 。 GlobalChinese Culture Foundation 全球中华文化基金会、 Associationof World Artists 世界艺术家协会、 AmericaNational Press 美国国家出版社、 WorldMartial Arts Alliance 世界武术联盟、 WorldAssociation for Daoist Medicine & Self Cultivation 世界道医养学会 WorldYoga Taichi Zen Federation 世界瑜伽太极禅联盟、 世界龙门联盟 World Dragon Gate (Longmen) Federation、 世界龙门医宗联盟 World Dragon Gate (Longmen) Medical Lineage Federation、 世界心灵舞蹈联盟 World Spirit Dance Federation、 世界佛学总会 World Buddha Assembly、 世界佛学院 World Buddha Academy、 世界创意设计联盟 World Creative Design Federation、 世界关公文化联盟 World Guangong Culture Federation、 IvyLeague Academy 常青藤联盟学院、 CelestialDragon Academy of Classical Learning 天龙书院、 InternationalZen 国际禅墨书院、 WorldYangsheng Association 世界养生学会、 UnitedNations Energy Field Research Practicum 联合国总部能量场研修会、 BankFederation of World Artwork世界艺术品银行联盟。
第9-10天,4月12-13日,返程回国。 1.Spring 2022 Itinerary Day 1,April 4th: - AM:Arrive in New York at Buffalo Niagara International Airport. - EVE:Conference registration; check in to the World Macrobiotic Health Alliance forCultural Travel retreat center club at Niagara Falls--The Giacomo Hotel. AnnualMeeting on World Cultural Travel Arts and Macrobiotic Health. -Lodging: 222 1st St, Niagara Falls, New York 14303 U.S.A.; Phone: (716) 299-0200
Day2-4, April 30th5-7, Buffalo State University of New York, China Weekevents, specialist topic presentations. Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum.Academic research presentations & field retreat practicum on Daoistmedicine at Niagara Falls in Buffalo. Annual meeting of the World Associationfor Daoist Medicine & Self Cultivation and the World Macrobiotic HealthAlliance for Cultural Travel Expo, self-cultivation, sightseeing, sketching,and performances. -Address: 1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY14222-1095 U.S.A.; Phone: (716) 878-6425 Day4-9, April 7–12th: -Awards ceremony and banquet at United Nations Headquarters; Sketches,self-cultivation, and on location filming at famous scenic sites such as NewYork City, Boston, Harvard University, Washington D.C., and Niagara Falls. NewYork Lodging: Hotel De Point, 20-07 127th Street, Flushing NewYork, NY 11356 U.S.A HotelPhone #: (866) 599 -6674
Day9-10, April 12-13 th, 2022 -Return flight to China
(二)、2022年夏天行程: 第1天,5月7日,到达洛杉矶机场,晚上会议报道。入住世界文旅大健康联盟研修中心俱乐部--Montage Laguna Beach海景酒店。世界文旅艺术大健康年会。 地址: 30801 S Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA 92651, U.S.A. 联系电话: (213) 254-8863 第2-9天,5月8-15日,Laguna Beach海滩圣地、好莱坞、道峰山太古寺、加州理工大学、迪斯妮乐园等名胜各界名家研修、观光、写生、表演。 联合国总部•《世界之光》颁奖提名。 世界文化艺术节系列活动,名家主题演讲,名家书画艺术展。 全程拍摄微电影。 第9-10天,5月15-16日,返程回国。
2.Summer 2022 Itinerary Day 1,May 7th: - AM:Arrive in Los Angeles at Los Angeles International Airport. - EVE:Conference registration; check in to the World Macrobiotic Health Alliance forCultural Travel retreat center club at hotel--Montage Laguna Beach. AnnualMeeting on World Cultural Travel Arts and Macrobiotic Health. -Lodging: 30801 S Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA 92651, U.S.A. ContactPhone #: (213) 254-8863
Day2-9, May 8th-15th, Sketches, self-cultivation, and on location filming atfamous scenic sites such as Laguna Beach, Hollywood, Mountain Spirit ZenCenter, Caltech, and Disneyland. Specialist topic presentations. Specialcalligraphy and painting exhibition. UnitedNations Headquarters, “Light in the World” Award Nominations. WorldCultural Arts Festival, specialist topic presentations. Special calligraphy andpainting exhibition. Theentire trip will be filmed as a documentary.
Day9-10, May 15th-16th, 2022 -Return flight to China
(三)、2022年秋天行程: 第1天,9月25日,到达纽约布法罗机场。晚上会议报道,入住世界文旅大健康联盟世界第一大瀑布研修中心俱乐部--大瀑布Giacomo酒店。世界文旅艺术大健康年会。 地址: 222 1st St, Niagara Falls, New York 14303 U.S.A. 电话: (716) 299-0200 第2-3天,9月26-27日,Niagara大学,世界文化艺术节系列活动,名家主题演讲,名家书画艺术展。布法罗世界第一大瀑布生态实景世界文化艺术大健康学术研讨会。世界文旅大健康联盟及各界名家研修、观光、写生、表演。 大学地址: Address: 5795 Lewiston Rd, Niagara University, NY 14109 U.S.A. 联系电话: (213) 254-8863
第4-9天,9月28日-10月3日,飞往纽约市,联合国总部•《世界之光》颁奖提名。 纽约市区、波士顿、哈佛大学、华盛顿首都等名胜观光、写生、研修、实景演出。 入住纽约酒店名称和地圵:Hotel Address: Hotel De Point, 20-07 127th Street Flushing New York, NY 11356 U.S.A 电话: (866) 599 -6674
3. Fall2022 Itinerary Day 1,September 25th: - AM:Arrive in New York at Buffalo Niagara International Airport. - EVE:Conference registration; check in to the World Macrobiotic Health Alliance forCultural Travel retreat center club at Niagara Falls--The Giacomo Hotel. AnnualMeeting on World Cultural Travel Arts and Macrobiotic Health. -Lodging: 222 1st St, Niagara Falls, New York 14303 U.S.A.; Phone: (716) 299-0200
Day 2-3,September 26th-27th, Niagara University, World Cultural Arts Festival,specialist topic presentations. Special calligraphy and painting exhibition.Academic research presentations & annual meeting on world cultural arts andmacrobiotic health at Niagara Falls in Buffalo. Annual meeting of the WorldMacrobiotic Health Alliance for Cultural Travel Expo, self-cultivation,sightseeing, sketching, and performances.
-University Address: 5795 Lewiston Rd, Niagara University, NY 14109 U.S.A. ContactPhone #: (213) 254-8863
Day4-9, September 28th–October 3rd: -United Nations Headquarters, “Light in the World” Award Nominations. Sketches,self-cultivation, and on location filming at famous scenic sites such as NewYork City, Boston, Harvard University, and Washington D.C. NewYork Lodging: Hotel De Point, 20-07 127th Street, Flushing NewYork, NY 11356 U.S.A HotelPhone #: (866) 599 -6674 Theentire trip will be filmed as a documentary.
Day9-10, October 3rd-4th, 2022 -Return flight to China
VII.Standard Fees 七.【收费标准】 1.Six-day group tour: $3000 USD; 10-day group tour: $4200 USD.; 14-day grouptour: $5400 USD. Fee includes room, board, and conference fees. StandardFees Accountspaid 90 days in advance will receive a $500 USD discount. Accounts paid 30 daysin advance will receive a $300 USD discount. 1、6天团3000美元,10天团4200美元,14天团5400美元。该费用含住宿费、伙食费及会议费,不包括美国境内的交通费。 提前90天付款,优惠500美元。提前30天付款,优恵300美元。 2.International flights will be booked all together on a Chinese airline througha U.S. travel company assigned by the standing committee. Airfare costs notincluded. 2、国际往返机票,由组委会指定的美国旅行社统一购买中国航空公司机票,费用另计。 3.“Light of the World” awards ceremony and documentary featurette hosted by theUnited Nations Masters Colloquium and held at the United Nations Headquartersattendance fee is $3000 USD. Interested participants must pay this part of thefee. Uninterested parties may disregard this fee. 3、联合国总部名家论坛在联合国总部举行的《世界之光》颁奖大典及微电影记录片,参加者每人费用约3000美元。故,愿意参加者须支付此部分费用,不愿意参加者不支付此部分费用。 4.Distinguished persons can apply for a scholarship from the committee to coverpart of the fees associated with number 3 above. 4、杰出人士,可以向组委会申请奖学金支付上述第3项所涉及的部份费用。 5.Those circulating thesis papers must pay a $600 USD reviewer fee. Subsequentthesis translation and publication fees will be discussed separately andimplemented according to U.S. standards. 5、需发表论文者,应缴纳论文评审费600美元。后续的论文翻译费、出版费,另行说明,按美国标准实施。 6.Standard fees for vendors participating in events, product promotions, exhibitsales, and advertisements, etc. will be discussed separately. 6、需参加项目、品牌、产品推广、展销、广告等收费标准另行说明。
7. Allthose wishing to enter the ten thousand attendee Convention venue and who wishto participate in the additional fee activities, must pay an additional $1000USD, which covers membership certification into the World Macrobiotic HealthAlliance for Cultural Travel and doTERRA International. Membership alsoincludes a special gift of the highest quality Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade(CPTG) essential oils and health and wellness products, available exclusivelyto members at Convention. Thosewho are only attending the general sessions of the Convention to engage inspecialist exchange and to seek for global collaboration, do not to pay theseadditional fees. 7、所有需要进入超万人年会会场,参加年会超万人场面系列特别收费活动者,需另行支付$1000美元,用于申请办理世界文旅大健康联盟会员证,同时获赠,特供给会员的一套最高档食用级纯天然精油养生营养礼品 。 只参加超万人年会期间举行的主题论坛、专项交流、探讨全球合作者,不需交上述费用。 8.Those applying for the United Nations Masters Colloquium "Light in theWorld" Outstanding Achievement Award, must provide a resume, letter ofqualification and outstanding achievement, and a $700 application fee. 8、需要申报联合国总部名家论坛颁发的《世界之光》奖项的杰出人士,在提交简历和杰出成就与贡献说明的同时,请支付$700美元的评审费。
VIII.Application Process 八.【申请参会程序】
1.Participants should submit their applications before with a completedChinese-English application form including name (must match name on passport),address, zip code, gender, personal history, passport number, paper topic,and/or international collaboration projects. Registration fees are included inthe conference participation fees and are used for publishing conferenceprogram materials. 1、申请参会人请申报与护照相符的中英文对照的姓名和通信地址包括邮政编码、性别、个人简历、护照、论文题目或国际交流合作项目说明。并支付500美元注册申请费。
2.Standing committee will approve participants and issue and official letter ofinvitation. ApplicationProcess Unfortunately,application fees are non-refundable even if applicants who are unable toattend. 2、组委会核准参会人,签发《参会邀请信》。申请人若未能出席会议,申请费不能退款。
IX.Annual Meeting Committee 九.【大会组委会】 1.Committee Chairmen: 1、组委会主席: YuanmingZhang (Chinese American) 美籍华人张元明
2、学术委员会主席: ScholarlyCommittee Chairman: SteveJackowicz, Ph.D., U.S. Chairman 美国籍主席Steve Jackowicz博士
3. HostOrganization Contact: 3、主办、承办单位聯系辦法: 电子邮件信箱: Email:iirtsc@hotmail.com 微信:Wechat: YZ9492285377 地址:Address: 375 Jasmine St., Laguna Beach, CA 92651 U.S.A. 电话Phone: 英语 English (949) 677-3434, (213)254-8863 华语Chinese (949) 228-5377 官方网站《世界大观》网址:www.worldoverview.net |
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