世界道医养学会和世界文旅大健康联盟年会通知类别:新闻简讯 时间:2018-03-29 浏览次数:3240
2018年美国纽约联合国总部2018 United Nations Headquarters, New York, U.S.世界道医养学会和世界文旅大健康联盟年会通知Announcement of the Annual Meeting of the World Association for Daoist Medicine & Self Cultivation and the World Macrohealth Alliance for Cultural Travel
一. 【年会缘起】 在过去的5000年来,道学作为中华文明的根基在全球范围得到了广泛地应用;中医作为打开中华文明宝库的钥匙在全世界发挥了不可替代的作用;养生作为人类健康的需求受到越来越多人的重视。
I. Meeting Origins Study of the Dao (lit. the Way) has been at the heart of Chinese civilization for the past 5,000 years and has been broadly recognized on a global scale. Chinese medicine has been irreplaceable as the key to unlocking the cultural treasures of China to the world. Nourishing life and vitality is becoming a necessity for humanity and is being viewed with greater regard by an ever increasing number of people.
美国世界传统文化科学院院长张元明先生和中国成都中医药大学钟森教授于2017年首倡成立了美国政府核准的世界公益组织:世界道医养学会和世界文旅大健康联盟,该学会和联盟的宗旨是倡导道学文化,中医文化和中华文明,结合道家思想、中医药学、养生保健学,在全球范围推行道医养的大健康新理念,让全世界各族人民分享中华文明的福光。 America’s IIRTSC President, Mr. Yuanming Zhang and China’s Chengdu University of TCM Professor Zhong Sen initiated the establishment of the World Association for Daoist Medicine & Self Cultivation and the World Macrohealth Alliance for Cultural Travel as global non-profit organizations, which were approved by the United States government in 2017. The goal of the Association and the Alliance is to serve as a proponent of Daoist culture, Chinese medical culture, Chinese civilization, the integration of Daoist thought, the study of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology, and the study of nourishing life and maintaining good health; to promote new concepts in Daoist medicine and macrobiotic health and wellness on a global scale; and to share the wonders of Chinese civilization with the peoples of the world.
2.为了邀请世界各国家和地区的政治、经济、文化、卫生、医学、科学等各界人士参与联盟的建设和发展工作,定于2018年4月26日至5月5日,在联合国总部和纽约州立大学隆重召开联盟年会颁奖大典。 In order to invite national and regional governments, along with economic, cultural, health, medical, and scientific professionals throughout the world to participate in the establishment and development of this Alliance, the annual meeting and awards ceremony will convene at United Nations Headquarters and the State University of New York from the 26thof April to the 5thof May, 2018.
二.【年会内容】 II. Meeting Agenda 1、召开首届世界道医养学会和世界文旅大健康联盟年会及相关学术论坛,进行主题演讲,开展科研学术交流研讨。 1. Convening the inaugural annual meeting and colloquium of the World Association for Daoist Medicine & Self Cultivation and the World Macrohealth Alliance for Cultural Travel, keynote presentations, and opening discussions on scientific research and scholarly exchange.
2、接受道学、中医药学、养生学及相关交叉学科的历史源流、人物典故、理论流派、基础研究、临床试验等各类型论文投稿,用美国国会图书馆书号出版可以SCI或者EI检索的论文集。 2. Acceptance of articles on Daoist studies, Chinese medical and pharmacological studies, and studies on nourishing life, and the origin and development of related and intersecting scientific inquiries, literary figures, theoretical schools, foundational research, and clinical trials for publication in a conference volume with SCI or EI database entry and a ISBN number (U.S. Library of Congress).
3、特邀多个国家驻联合国代表团大使代表出席世界文旅大健康联盟及全球品牌文化战略工程《世界之光》颁奖宴会大典,大典首选的出版物和礼品赠送190多个联合国成员国大使及总统。 3. Special invitation to United Nations ambassadors and delegates of each country to attend the opening banquet and award ceremony of the World Macrohealth Alliance for Cultural Travel and the strategic film project “Light of the World,” a global cultural trademark, and the bestowal of the initial publication and ceremonial gifts to the U.N. president, and the ambassadors and delegates of more than 190 constituent countries.
4.全球万个文旅医养圣城国际合作项目洽谈专场及道医养医院推广中心洽谈会。 4. Discussion groups on collaborative international projects for “ten thousand ethnic medical hospices globally” and a promotional center for a Daoist and holistic medicine hospital.
5、哈佛大学实景生态医药养体验学术研修。 5. Academic research presentations & field retreat practicum at Harvard University biopharmaceutical medicine sites.
6、野生种稀有生态百草园区实地考察学术研修。 6. Academic field research and investigations on rare plants in pristine wilderness areas.
7. 全球性文化传承工程、导师工作平台、博士后流动站建设计划研讨。 7. Discussions on global culture inheritance projects, advisor task forums, and plans to establish Postdoctoral positions.
三.【主办单位】 III. Hosts
World Association for Daoist Medicine & Self Cultivation 世界道医养学会 World Macrohealth Alliance for Cultural Travel 世界文旅大健康联盟
四.【承办单位】 IV. Sponsors
International Institute for the Research of Traditional Science and Culture, Inc. A Nonprofit Corporation 美国联邦政府世界公益组织---世界传统文化科学院
United Nations Masters Colloquium 联合国总部名家论坛
五.【协办单位】 V. Co-Organizers Buffalo State University of New York 4. 纽约州立大学布法罗分院 Chengdu University of TCM
六.【年会行程】 VI. Meeting Itinerary
Day One, 26 April, Depart China, arrive in New York at Buffalo Niagara International Airport. Evening: Conference registration; check in to the first World Macrohealth Alliance for Cultural Travel waterfall retreat center club; 第一天,4月26日,从中国出发,到达纽约布法罗机场。晚上会议报道,入住世界文旅大健康联盟世界第一大瀑布研修中心俱乐部。
地址:address: 3110 Eggert Road, Tonawanda, NY 14150 U.S.A. Phone: (716) 803-0113
Day Two, 27 April, Buffalo State University of New York, China Week events, specialist topic presentations. 第二天,4月27日,纽约州立大学布法罗分院,中国周系列活动,名家主题演讲。
地址: Address: 1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14222-1095 U.S.A. Phone: (716) 878-6425
Day Three, 28 April, Academic research presentations & field retreat practicum on Daoist medicine at a Buffalo nature preserve. Annual meeting of the World Association for Daoist Medicine & Self Cultivation and the World Macrohealth Alliance for Cultural Travel Expo. Address: Across from Buffalo State University of New York.
Afternoon: Take a car to New York City. Check into hotel. 第三天,4月28日,布法罗天然圣湖生态实景道医养学术研讨会。世界道医养学会年会,世界文旅大健康博览会。地点:位于纽约州立大学布法罗分院的对面。 下午,乘车前往纽约市区。
入住酒店名称和地圵: Hotel Address: Hotel De Point, 20-07 127th Street Flushing New York, NY U.S.A. Phone: (866) 599 -6674
5. Days 4-5, 29-30 April, United Nations Headquarters scholarly awards ceremony, filming “Light of the World: Daoist Medicine” on location. Return trip. 第四至五天,4月29-30日,联合国总部学术年会颁奖大典、实景拍摄《世界道医养之光》微电影纪录片。返程。
Days 5-9, take a bus from New York City to Boston, academic research presentations & field retreat practicum on Daoist medicine and scholarly exchange on therapeutic tourism and holistic medicine at Harvard University campus and Daoist Medical Society, Hafu Postdoctoral Specialist Leadership Research Center. 第五天至九天,从纽约市乘巴士前往波士顿,在世界道医养学会哈福(英为名用哈福汉语拼音)博士后名家领袖研修中心和哈佛大学校园举行生态实景道医养学术研讨及文旅医药养生学术交流。
Check into Hafu Retreat Center, address: 入住哈福研修中心,
地址: Address: 34 Hillside Rd., Watertown, MA 02472 U.S.A. Phone: (617) 959-6097
Days 9-10, 4 May, return flight; 5 May, arrival. 第九至十天,5月4日,起飞返程,5月5日入境。
VII. Standard Fees 七.【收费标准】
1. Six-day group tour: $3000 USD; 10-day group tour: $4200 USD. Fee includes room, board, and conference fees. 1、六天团3000美元,十天团4200美元,该费用含住宿费、伙食费及会议费。
2. International flights will be booked all together on a Chinese airline through a U.S. travel company assigned by the standing committee. Airfare costs not included. 2、国际往返机票,由组委会指定的美国旅行社统一购买中国航空公司机票,费用另计。
3. “Light of the World” awards ceremony and documentary featurette hosted by the United Nations Masters Colloquium and held at the United Nations Headquarters attendance fee is $3000 USD. Interested participants must pay this part of the fee. Uninterested parties may disregard this fee. 3、联合国总部名家论坛在联合国总部举行的《世界之光》颁奖大典及微电影记录片,参加者每人费用约3000美元。故,愿意参加者须支付此部分费用,不愿意参加者不支付此部分费用。
4. Distinguished persons can apply for a scholarship from the committee to cover part of the fees associated with number 3 above. 4、杰出人士,可以向组委会申请奖学金支付上述第3项所涉及的部份费用。
5. Those circulating thesis papers must pay a $600 USD reviewer fee. Subsequent thesis translation and publication fees will be discussed separately and implemented according to U.S. standards. 5、需发表论文者,应缴纳论文评审费600美元。后续的论文翻译费、出版费,另行说明,按美国标准实施。
6. Standard fees for vendors participating in events, product promotions, exhibit sales, and advertisements, etc. will be discussed separately. 6、需参加项目、品牌、产品推广、展销、广告等收费标准另行说明。
VIII. Application Process 八.【申请参会程序】
1. Participants should submit their applications before 22 March 2018 with a completed Chinese-English application form including name (must match name on passport), address, zip code, gender, personal history, passport number, paper topic, and/or international collaboration projects. Registration fees are included in the conference participation fees and are used for publishing conference program materials. 1、申请参会人请于2018年3月22日之前申报与护照相符的中英文对照的姓名和通信地址包括邮政编码、性别、个人简历、护照、论文题目或国际交流合作项目说明。并支付500美元注册费。注册费含在参会费用中,用于定制参会资料。
2. 22 March. Standing committee will approve participants and issue and official letter of invitation. 2、3月22日,组委会核准参会人,签发《参会邀请信》。 IX. Annual Meeting Committee
九.【年会组委会】 1. Committee Chairmen: 1、组委会主席:
Yuanming Zhang (Chinese American) 美籍华人张元明
2、学术委员会主席: Scholarly Committee Chairman: Steve Jackowicz, Ph.D., U.S. Chairman 美国籍主席Steve Jackowicz博士
Professor Zhong Sen, China Chairman 中国籍主席钟森教授
3. Host Organization Contact: 3、主办单位聯系辦法: 电子邮件信箱: Email: iirtsc@hotmail.com 微信:Wechat: YZ9492285377 地址:Address: 375 Jasmine St., Laguna Beach, CA 92651 U.S.A. Phone: English (949) 677-3434 Chinese (949) 228-5377
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